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Reaction Quake 3 v2.2
by DGhost @ [02:06 PM] August 31 2002

The excellent mod Reaction Quake 3 got a new child today with version 2.2 An excellent follow up of Action Quake 2, Reaction Quake 3 got everything you need if you were a fan of the original mod!

Tribal CTF update
by DGhost @ [01:37 PM] August 30 2002

one of the best, mind blowing, eye candy mod (my personnal opinion of course :P) out there has been given us some news at the beginning of the month (omg, I'm really getting late for posting some news). Well there is nothing new since the last update. But if some people got the news that ViperEye was dead in a car accident, well that wasn't true. It was his EX girlfriend who post that message. Hahahaha. Well, ViperEye, you're better without her, that's for sure! :)

MoH:AA dedicated linux server
by DGhost @ [12:23 PM] August 30 2002

Okay I'm a week late on this one but I don't follow everything on medal of honor. You know I'm all alone to run the news on this site (hint, hint :P) You can download the 1.5 megs file from MoH-central (beware it's a german website). So you will be able to run a dedicated linux server of MoH:AA. Thx to GameAdmins for the tip!

Quake 3 master server down for 30 minutes
by DGhost @ [03:07 PM] August 29 2002

Okay take a deep breath... relax and... DON'T PANIC! :) Got a new .Plan update from Graeme:
The Quake 3 Master Server will be going down for an upgrade today at NOON CST. I don't expect the upgrade process to take longer than 30 minutes.
That's it!

Monitoring a Quake 3 game on a webpage, without a plug in
by DGhost @ [12:52 PM] August 28 2002

gluV let you monitor a Quake 3 game in a browser. Compare to Q3Plug you don't need to install a plug in your web browser (only drawback is that you can't join the game from the webpage). Here's a list of features of gluV:
- Customizeable to each web page's look(uses Cascading Style Sheets)
- Displays all information a Q3 server query will return in an easily readable web page.
- Shows the levelshot of the current map being played.
- Works for normal Q3 servers, and OSP servers(more to come).
- Parses fun names and OSP fun names and displays both foreground AND background colors!
- Highlights the current row the mouse is over, for easy reading.
- Shows team divisions, team scores, and # of players on each team in OSP
This thing work on the server side with a php script running to give you the result. Hence why you don't need to install a plug in on the client side. For Windows and Linux only.

An interview with a mod creator
by DGhost @ [11:00 PM] August 27 2002

This must be one of the most interresting interview I've read with a mod creator in these last months. Lemme go back. I got an email a couple of days ago from Airamis from The Blue Machine (sorry for the delay Airamis, I almost forgot your email). He's done an interview with Batmite, creator of Superheroes Arena for Quake 3. True to himself, Batmite has done this mod for the fun of it. Speaking of that mod. What is that? Well I didn't try it yet (yeah I know, shame on me) but I'll give it a shot. Here's a part of the info:
This modification involves the player being a superhero and possessing powers that superheroes have, giving players many different ways to frag fellow players. There are about 70 powers and 7 classes to choose from.
Check out the mod's webpage here or read the interview with Batmite here. Oh I was almost forgetting, the mod is available for Windows, Linux and Mac in a .zip format.

Doom 3 and Linux
by DGhost @ [09:54 AM] August 27 2002

I tought that this one should be worth mentioning. Crusader from Linuxgame.com has done an interview with Timothee Besset aka TTimo during the Quakecon. Timothee is in charge of maintaining the ports of Quake 3, RtCW and GTKRadiant on the Linux platform. Here's a snip:
Given that DOOM III was the talk of the convention, I was wondering if its availability on Linux would be more of a killer app (despite it not being an exclusive game) than previous id titles. Besset noted that, looking back, id has always been basically the only company that's always been there for Linux, pushing for better hardware support and willing to maintain multi-platform code. He hopes that DOOM III would help convince other companies that similar ventures are worth it in the long run, as the porting process itself helps Quality Assurance teams track down general bugs that only become readily apparent on another OS, and having solid code is in the best interests of all parties involved.
Read on if you dig Linux!

Some interviews
by DGhost @ [10:56 PM] August 27 2002

After 2 marvelous week of vacation, I'm back to work. Ish. Anyway I'm back to my old routine and I have to post something for all of you. 2 interviews that I took the time to read! First one is an interview with Tim Willits, lead designer at IDsoftware. Of course the interview is all around Doom 3. You can read it on PlanetQuake3.net. Next one! Quakecon 2k of course. The coverage that the FiringSquad has done is one of the best I've read in the lot. An interview also with... Tim Willits again! If you want some juicy details on Doom 3 then read it!

You think you're good enough?
by DGhost @ [01:15 PM] August 25 2002

Well take a shot at Defrag and we'll see if you're good or not. A new version has been released yesterday, bringing it to version 1.7. You still don't know what is Defrag? Lemme give you the intro:
The DeFRaG is a SOLO mod for Q3A based on your movement ability and not on your skill against bots or human players.

Therefore you can practice and perfect your-self on every imaginable and possible Q3A trick. In fact, as you should know, the more mobility you have, the more victories you can hope.
Try this one! It's really tough playing against your own skills... :)

Tenebrae for Quake
by DGhost @ [09:32 PM] August 24 2002

Tenebrae for Quake (the first) is a modification (hence the name, a mod :P) "of the quake source that adds stencil shadows and per pixel lights to quake". Check out the screenshots to see the enhancement on the graphic. Magnificient!

WFA will kick your...
by DGhost @ [09:29 PM] August 24 2002

Whoa this one look really good. Of all the mods, I'm always impressed with Weapon Factory Arena. The hard work they put into it really show off. But of course the mod is worth it. Almost a new game in it's genre. No it's not a new release (not yet) but some news about it. As I can read on the lastest update on their webpage they are really excited with this one. I'll let you read it and see the progress.

PunkBuster name registry is on!
by DGhost @ [02:55 PM] August 22 2002

From their webpage:
The PunkBuster Name Registry is a premium hosting service offered by Even Balance, Inc. to players, clans and other groups who wish to have their online playing identity verified during gameplay on PunkBuster Enabled game servers.

For individual players who wish to register their full playing name, the hosting fee is US $1 per month. For clans, guilds and other groups, the hosting fee is US $2 per month. For administrative reasons, fees are collected on an annual basis. All major credit cards are accepted via a secure web payment form and since we use PayPal as our payment network, other forms of payment and currency translation are also handled accordingly.
Ok, the fee is really not high, but I don't really like the idea that you can subscribe to a system to prove that you are a "non-cheater" player. I mean, come on, if this system exist, it's because people got fed up of all the lamer cheater out there. That's the part that I never understand also about cheating. What fun is there to own everybody when you need some kind of aim bot? You don't have any talent. Go get a life.

True combat update
by DGhost @ [12:00 AM] August 22 2002

The excellent mod True Combat got some small update on their webpage to make us wait for the next release. Check out the new smoke grenade effect, the new menu. You can download the actual version (0.45 build 12) for windows and, as they say, a version for all OS. They just don't tell you wich OS, MacOS (classic), Linux (*nix). I don't know and I don't feel like downloading 100 megs at the moments (yeah I know I'm lazy :P).

.Plan from Todd
by DGhost @ [11:24 PM] August 20 2002

Yeah that one was released yesterday, didn't have the time to post it, sorry (what are you complaining at? You think that you're my mother? :P). So here's the deal:
Wow! QuakeCon 2002 was awesome. Thanks to all of the sponsors, volunteers, tourney players and everyone else for coming out and making it the biggest and best QuakeCon ever. Special congratulations to Lexer and Doctors for winning the Quake III and RTCW tournaments, respectively. Both tournaments were amazing and had a lot of extra personality with all of the international players.

TSN did just an absolutely incredible job with all of the broadcasting. I was really impressed by all of those guys and especially the job Warwich did on the RTCW tourney.

Thanks to ATI for sponsoring the tournaments and providing the 9700 cards for the tourney machines and the DOOM III Theater.

Big thanks also go out to VIA for the final party with the band (Edgewater) and comedy show.

I must say also that the band was excellent. Thanks Matt and gang for a spectacular show. If you saw them at QuakeCon and want more info, you can check them out on the web at www.edgewaterband.com They also play a lot of local shows in Dallas, so be sure and watch for their live appearances in the Dallas club music scene. I'm sure that Edgewater is going to be getting more and more national attention.

Finally, there are going to be a ton of pics and stories up on www.quakecon.org. Hopefully, none of them will be too embarassing ;-)

And with that, all I can say is that we hope to see everyone and more again next year!
Well that was a big party. Hopefully I'll be there next year!

Want some reviews?
by DGhost @ [11:19 PM] August 20 2002

For Quake and Quake 2, here come Mr Bunwah website where you can find some helpfull opinion on some level for single player. So if you got a boring night coming, why not install Quake (or Quake 2) and give these level a shot? And the reviews are well done :)

Quakecon 2002 is closed!
by DGhost @ [12:04 AM] August 22 2002

So the big week end is finished! Want some pictures? Here we go:
- Tom's Hardware review
- Cached.net gallery
- Inside Mac Game gallery
- Miss Quakecon 2002 by Gaming Horizon
- IceTerminal's album
And also on the webpage of Quakecon you can also get the feeling of Nok:
Well, I know a lot more happened today, but it's 3:30 in the morning and my memory is failing. Teardown happens tomorrow so I'm not positive I will be able to get in another update. But if not, I just want to say that this has truly been the biggest and best QuakeCon ever. I know I speak for the entire staff when I say that it has been an absolute pleasure to run this event, and we look forward to doing it again next year!
I hope it was like this for everybody.

Doom 3: more news
by DGhost @ [01:07 AM] August 18 2002

Gamespy's cover on Doom 3 is an excellent read if you wanna know more about the engine running behind that most awaited game. Read on for all the details! And at the same time if you like pictures, check their gallery section.

Quakecon 2002 tournament update
by DGhost @ [11:51 PM] August 17 2002

So after reading John Carmak's keynote we can get some info on the tournament where the final are finished. Fatal1ty has won against Zero4 (on pro-q3dm6) but lose in the demi final against *69|Daler (checkout the match result in an interview with fatal1ty here). it's on XSreality. But the most interresting link is this one:
All match demo on Cached.net
(I'm trying to download the match of Fatal1ty against Zero4 :P). So for the final match it's M19*LeXeR (finalist from the winner ladder) against *69|Daler (finalist from the second ladder). And the winner is:


12-10 for Lexer on pro-q3dm6! Congratulation LeXer! Read the full story on Cached.net

Carmak's keynote
by DGhost @ [10:26 PM] August 17 2002

Of course all the site are talking about it and I just finished reading it. Check out Gamespy for the full cover!

Quakecon 2002 update
by DGhost @ [05:41 PM] August 16 2002

So if you are following the Quakecon you can see some pictures at HomeLan. Also for a good coverage of today you should check the Gamespy coverage with some shavedhead. Via also got some pictures and if you are into the tournaments the stats are here. And John's keynote speech just finished.

It's Quakecon Time!
by DGhost @ [03:09 PM] August 15 2002

So it's the Quakcon 2002 as of today 9:00. No I'm not there (and yes I know I s*ck). So far the best coverage that you can get will be with Gamespy/Planetquake since they've got a team on site (check out the Doom III section, they've got 2 new screenshot). To truly get a feeling of the place i recommend that you check this video that show you the setup (it's a wmv format). Made by the official videographer, DaFragsta. Let the frags beggin!

CaliGirl is looking for you!
by DGhost @ [06:16 PM] August 13 2002

I just found this small note on Girlz Clan and I tought that I could pass it on here. Maybe there is some female gamer reading my post. CaliGirl is looking for some old school female Quake player. This is in a specific range of player. Anyway, here's a part of the annoucement:
Quake Women Search

For the past few two weeks I have been trying to contact about 200 old Quake female gamers to have them featured in a 'where are they now' type of thing. CaliGirl.net would have a flash back article on any of the Female Gamers that used to play Quake 1 and Quake 2. I am strictly focusing on those two games at the moment because they aren't played liked they used to be when they were hot. I have this huge list of gals I can not in any way, shape or form hunt down. I have checked google.com, yahoo.com and there is no listing of them. Now all I need all of you to do is find them for me.
In hope that this will help you Cali!

The Wizardry of ID
by DGhost @ [05:49 PM] August 13 2002

Just found this on /., ieee Spectrum online got a nice article titled: The Wizardy of ID. Some history about ID and a couple of new things that I learnt from the origin of the .bsp (binary space partition). Mostly technical, but eh, you got a brain right?

Pharaoh's Gate: a new CTF map
by DGhost @ [12:34 PM] August 13 2002

I got a new email yesterday from Haste, author of Alternate Fire, Ultra Freeze Tag and Unlagged. He just released a new CTF map that was sitting on his HD since the last 6 months. It's called Pharaoh's Gate. I just played in it with a couple of bots and my personnal opinion, the gameplay is very good. The map also remind me about Otherland from Tad William that I finished reading a couple of weeks ago (if you love science fiction with a weird setting I recommend that saga). The map got a nice egyptian theme with a teleport in the middle (a la stargate). At the same time you could check the author's entry at the geocomp2, his map receive some excellent rating!

by DGhost @ [01:20 AM] August 13 2002

Quake2max is a Quake 2 mod. That's a start eh? Well, take a look at this screenshot. Notice anything different? Quake2max (and not mac :P) is kinda "boost" your graphic of Quake 2. But beware as this part in the read_me.txt say:
This is meant for higher end systems and might bottleneck fairly quickly if you have a slow cpu, little ram, or an older video card.
For some reason the mod won't load on my deck. Ah crap, must mean that I've got to upgrade my old 4 megs video card. :P

New .Plan update from Todd
by DGhost @ [01:13 AM] August 13 2002

Here's the lastest .Plan from Todd himself. Here's a small part of it:
QuakeCon 2002 is almost upon us! They've actually already begun setting up in what we affectionately call "The QuakeCon Hotel" (aka Mesquite Hampton Inn). This year's event promises to be the best one yet. With help from ATI, we've got $100,000 up for grabs in the Wolf and Quake III tournaments, VIA is throwing all manner of parties and is hosting a Q3 Trick Jump competition (really looking forward to that one myself), and there will be tons of new Activision games on display, including all of the new RTCW games and Enemy Territory.
Read the rest for all the details. Looks like that the Quakecon this year will be a blast!

Interview with Todd
by DGhost @ [12:01 PM] August 11 2002

I am officialy on vacation for the next 2 week! Yeah! So after the de-stressing process since friday I am now, beginning, to feel on vacation. Okay I didn't post anything since friday but I'll fix that. I'll update the page a lot during the next 2 week and I'll try to do some cover for QuakeCon (but I won't be there :P).

Anyway now let's get back to Quake. Ferrago got a nice interview with Todd Hollenshead of ID Software. Along with that lemme copy/paste you a small part:
Ferrago: What are aims with Doom III with regard to the first-person genre as a whole?

TH: Quite simply, we want Doom III to be the scariest game ever.
Another teaser if you ask me. The more I discover about this game, the more I am certain that it will be the best game from ID (maybe?).

Who's Quint?
by DGhost @ [11:35 PM] August 08 2002

Quint, creator of the magnificient map QBeast for the GeoComp2 challenge released a new map this week called; War of Angels. His own comment about the map:
Warning! This is not a serious map. It has been thought just for funny multiplayer lans or online games... something like a "Disney World" map, so don't expect competitive gamepaly here, but just loughs untill it hurts.
I just fragged some bots in it and I must say that's it's true on certain point. Fun gameplay but nothing for official competition and some original ideas. You should check all his maps, it's worth the download. And we even have a screenshot of his current project. I just love map that show some imagination from the author!

What's new with Medal of Honor
by DGhost @ [01:55 PM] August 09 2002

Okay as you may have noticed there isn't too much news here on anything except Quake. Normaly we are 2 working on this page but all of them tough 2-3 months and quit after that. Except me... :P I wonder sometime why I do that. But I disgress. I'm installing MoH on my deck tonight (tomorrow afternoon I will be on vacation for 2 weeks, so I'm getting ready i.e. installing a lot of games!) and getting the latest patch and cheking the latest news on Planet Medal of Honor. I heard that there was suppose to be released an expansion pack for MoH and look what I found, a tadadam, press release from EA:

REDWOOD CITY, Calif. - August 8, 2002 - Help the Allies win victory in freedom's finest hour and to liberate occupied Europe from Nazi Germany in Medal of Honor Allied Assault Expansion Pack*. EA reveals details of the new expansion pack for Medal of Honor Allied Assault, the highly acclaimed first-person shooter that puts the player in the boots of WWII combat soldier during the invasion of fortress Europe. The game is currently under development by EALA and is scheduled for release this fall under the EA GAMES(tm) brand. *Working Title.

The expansion pack will allow owners of Medal of Honor Allied Assault to assume the role of Sergeant Jack Barnes and continue their fight from behind enemy lines in Normandy on D-Day to the Battle of the Bulge to the Fall of Berlin and the defeat of the thousand year Reich. More over, the game will include nine new single-player levels and over 12 new multi-player levels. Players will also have the opportunity to play as British, American, German and Soviet troops in an enhanced multi-player mode. Additionally, players will have the ability to choose from a vast arsenal of authentic Soviet and British weapons.

Staying true to the legacy that started with the original Medal of Honor(tm), the production team at EALA sought counsel from numerous outside sources to make certain the game is as historically authentic and realistic as possible. Hollywood veteran Capt. Dale Dye, who served as military consultant on the original Medal of Honor, Medal of Honor Underground(tm) and Medal of Honor Allied Assault, again worked with the Medal of Honor Allied Assault Expansion Pack team to insure the authenticity of the game.

About Electronic Arts Electronic Arts (Nasdaq: ERTS), headquartered in Redwood City, California, is the world's leading interactive entertainment software company. Founded in 1982, Electronic Arts posted revenues of more than $1.7 billion for fiscal 2002. The company develops, publishes and distributes software worldwide for the Internet, personal computers and video game systems. Electronic Arts markets its products under four brand names: EA SPORTSTM, EA GAMESTM, EA SPORTS BIG(tm) and EA.COMSM. More information about EA's products and full text of press releases can be found on the Internet at http://www.info.ea.com.


Electronic Arts, EA SPORTS, EA SPORTS BIG, EA GAMES, Medal of Honor Underground and Medal of Honor Allied Assault are trademarks or registered trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Medal of Honor is a trademark or registered trademark of Electronic Arts Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries for computer and video game software. EA.COM is a service mark of EA.com Inc. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
So we got the official confirmation but at the same time I found this other press release (it's a word document, no I won't paste it because it takes too much space :P). I don't know for you, but for me after reading this one, I would really like to see what kind of games these guys are going to do.

Acid Arena: a mod for Quake 3
by DGhost @ [01:40 PM] August 08 2002

I gave a shot at this mod 2 weeks ago and f**k this thing is insane! Everything in this mod is like a.... a what? a trip on acid maybe? This mod is pack with 23 models, 13 levels and we got some screenshots and a new version is coming with more maps and models (current version is 1.0). Acid Arena is looking for a coder in order to make some rabbits walk in the Acid Arena maps (as the author said on his website, this is a serious announce). Check out Acid Arena for some new fun and visual mish mash!

D-Day: Normandy
by DGhost @ [02:37 PM] August 07 2002

You know that mod? I never played it but I heard a lot of good about it. First thing, it's a Quake 2 mod, second thing it's a WWII mod. And by the title you get an idea of wich part of WWII (if you know your history of WWII that is). A couple of days ago, a new version has been released (version 4.1). Linux support on top of that (quality work!) and you can even get the source code. If you think that Quake 2 is too old but you still love WWII shooters, I recommend you D-Day: Normandy!

New models @ Polycount
by DGhost @ [11:53 AM] August 06 2002

Again Polycount got new models for our pleasure. Check out Starscream, a classic from the Transformer. The model got a pretty good rating. After that we got Largo and Ping from the Megatokyo comic strip. And for the final a weird flying machine by the name of Rova.

Some news about Padmod
by DGhost @ [10:40 PM] August 03 2002

Padman is this small funy cartoon character that has been created by Ente. Creator also of a few good map (actually I consider that you have to try at least one of his map. Very original). So here's the deal that I got by email:

we are back with a new site and with really much new stuff....;)

On the PadMod Site ( http://padworld.exp-network.de/ ) you will find many new infos and screenshots now. New Maps, New Weapons, a new Playermodel and and and...all Screenshots are updated on this site, hope you will like it..;) Oh, by the way, we needed new member for our Project, a skin artis, an animator and a 2D artist for all the weapon Effects and the Hud Stuff..;)

Have a nice Weekend, ENTE
So check out the website for all the new stuff!

Urban Terror update
by DGhost @ [11:05 AM] August 03 2002

Urban Terror v2.6 was supposed to be released around the QuakeCon but with the new patch announced by IDsoftware this change everything since the mod need to be compatible with the new patch (if you're into programation you know what I'm talking about :P). Also the team doesn't have all the ressource to do a major release during Quakecon so they're checking their options. Anyway check out Urban Terror for all the details.

QuakeCon 2002 tournament
by DGhost @ [10:07 PM] August 02 2002

There's a lot of tournament at the QuakeCon this year. In the lot, I've found this one that I think should be worth mentioning:
So you think you're a real QuakeCon fan?

Come down a little early to the Mesquite Convention Hall parking lot on Thursday, Aug. 15 between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. and strut your stuff with your Quake-ified self and car! Deck out your body and your ride with paint, tattoos, stickers, masks, wigs, and costumes - anything that is QuakeCon 2002! Don't hold back - prepare to surprise and amaze.

There'll be a free BBQ lunch for all and prizes for the winner and runner-up in two categories: car decorating and body art. All contestants and their tricked-out "QuakeCon-mobiles" must arrive by 10 a.m. on Thursday at the Hampton Inn parking lot, to line up their vehicles for judging.

QuakeCon is fast approaching! All participants must email RSVPs to James Espinoza at james@bohle.com by Tuesday, Aug. 6 to sign up for the contest and reserve a spot; entrants must specify which contest they will join.

Have a blast decorating!

Ooooooh the humanity why must I miss this? Hey if there's someone who's reading this and who's gonna be there, do me a favor take a lot of pictures and send it to me. You'll have my eternal gratitude! ;)

Doom 3 demo @ Quakecon
by DGhost @ [09:45 PM] August 02 2002

Yep, of course we had to expect that. Something to tease us. To make us beg for more. IDsoftware. Here's the deal:
id Software™ to Conduct First Fan Demonstration of Game at Ultimate LAN Party

id Software and Activision’s DOOM III theater, which unleashed its fury at E3 2002, last May in Los Angeles, will endure a 1,000 mile journey to arrive in Mesquite, the home of id Software, in time for QuakeCon 2002. The theater will showcase a demonstration of DOOM III, a mind-searing mixture of cutting-edge graphics, design and revolutionary 5.1 sound design.

Members of the id Software team will also host a special session, offering a guided tour of the DOOM III world and talking about the game’s development. The preview at QuakeCon 2002 is a terrifying journey through over 12 minutes of gamplay running completely in-engine. This exclusive opportunity for gamers is only available to registered attendees of QuakeCon 2002. Each attendee will receive an admission ticket for the preview upon registering at the event.
For all the information about the QuakeCon and the tournaments there is only on place: QuakeCon.

Official announcement from EvenBalance
by DGhost @ [09:33 PM] August 02 2002

Following up on the .Plan of Graeme this week, EvenBalance has posted the official annoucement of the intergation of PunkBuster in the next Point release of Quake 3. I think we should see the new PR before the QuakeCon since it's suppose to fix a cheat. Speaking of the QuakeCon... I don't even wanna think about it. I was suppose to go but I lost my lift. Yeah ok, I'll shut up, anyway shit happens. Of course I'll try to do some coverage but from my chair in front of my computer it's not like the same thing as to be there live!

Fuchikoma, a new model for Quake 3
by DGhost @ [09:15 PM] August 02 2002

Well... I am a fan of ghost in the shell (the books actually) and I have no shame of saying that. If you can grasp the meaning of the story in one shot then you spent 1 hour per page. Anyway this is a page of Quake stuff. Where was I again? Ah yeah! Fuchikoma is the latest model released on Polycount. My personnal comments: really nice! Also with that, there is Thug from.. Kingpin. Wich is.... an export of the original model (if I remember correctly, Kinpin was running on the engine of Quake 2?).

Bystander: a Quake 3 mod
by DGhost @ [07:31 PM] August 01 2002

Okay, a couple of days ago I post a news about the mod database. Now I've got a new email about the bystander mod that the mod database just gave an award for creativity. It really look nice but to give an award to a mod who is only completed at 30%? Well I sure hope it's good if it already won an award when it's not finish. Hey maybe Lord of the rings part 3 will win an oscar at the next gala? :)

Update: okay actually I just check the screenshots... and well... okay this mod really look beautiful. But we'll have to wait to see if the gameplay is gonna be good!

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