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Jerry "Powzer" Keehan Interview
by Awoq @ Thu 11-30-2000 12:19

GameSeek.com has an interview with id Software's newest mapper, Jerry "Powzer" Keehan. It seems that Jerry is just moonlighting for id at this time because he is working full time for Uncle Sam in the Air Force. The interview covers who he is and what he is contributing to id's Team Arena and Doom levels.

New Hosted Clan
by Awoq @ Thu 11-30-2000 12:11

Q3Arena.com is proud to announce a new hosted clan, AoA (Angels of Apocolypes), on its clan server. There is still plenty of room on our clan server for more clans. If you or anyone you know needs their clan hosted, simply go HERE and sign up.

id Master Server
by Awoq @ Wed 11-29-2000 11:28

Graeme Devine updated his .plan last night with an explanation of why some people may have been having problems with the id master server. Here's what he said:
I've been working on the master server these past few hours and just noticed the pile of emails coming in regarding its status. Apologies for the down time, it was meant to be invisible to the outside world.

BFG10K Arena
by Awoq @ Wed 11-29-2000 11:11

A new mod has been released by WireHead Studios called BFG10K Arena. The mod brings back the old Quake Big Freaking Gun in all of its glory. Check it out at the BFG10K Arena site in their files section.

Fred Nilsson Interview
by Awoq @ Wed 11-29-2000 11:02

Doomworld has an interview with id Software's newest animator, Fred Nilsson. The interview covers who this Swedish animator is, what he has been doing for id, and what he will be doing for the new Doom game.
Here's the part about what he's doing for Doom:
Doomworld: What will your job be for the new Doom? Will you be animating cutscenes, or will you be animating in-game models as well?

Nilsson: My main focus will be setting up the characters (bones,skinning) and making them all move in whatever way we need them to, whether it's players/monsters in game, or cinematics. I'll also be working with Jim Dose so we can figure out how this new animation system will work. Currently I'm using Maya to animate, and it seems like a great system. So far so good.

I'll also be doing some modelling, but we have Kenneth Scott and Seneca Menard who are both mega modelling/texture talents.

3DMax Mod Tutorial
by Awoq @ Tue 11-28-2000 11:16

The BackBurner has a new Q3A mod tutorial for those of you who want to use 3dMax. This detailed tutorial, written by Rhinozombiac, explains step by step how to use 3D Studio Max and Nphernos md3 compiler to create a custom Q3A weapons model.

New Æstats
by Awoq @ Mon 11-27-2000 11:15

Æstats, a log file analyser for 3D Shooters with Stats/Ranking output in HTML, has released version 4.59.
New in this version is:
  • Added Quake 3: Team Arena support (will work with retail!)
    New weapons: MOD_PROXIMITY_MINE, MOD_CHAINGUN, MOD_NAIL Due to a bug in the demo, the Kamikaze frags will be logged as MOD_GRAPPLE
  • Added StrikeForce (UT-Mod) support
    New weapons: AK47, Benelli M3, Desert Eagle, Flash Grenade, Gun, M4, Uzi
  • Added: Tactical OPS (UT-Mod) support
    New weapons: HK PSG1, FAMAS, Steyr Aug, HK MP5 Navy, HKSR9, MAC 10

Lakerman Interview
by Awoq @ Mon 11-27-2000 11:00

Quake Italia has an interview with Oskar "Lakerman" Ljungström, top scandinavian player and member of the Allstars clan. The interview covers who Lakerman is, his goals for the future, and what he does to keep his game up. The interview is offered in both Italian and English languages.

Bones: L.O.T.V. Goodness
by Awoq @ Sun 11-26-2000 11:48

The Mean Arena has some good info for you about the upcoming Bones: Legacy Of The Vadrigar mod for Q3A. On the site you will find the storyline, screenshots, and some texture samples. The mod is still not complete but you will be able to see what some of the maps will look like as well as a general idea of what is to come.

RTS Quake Interview
by Awoq @ Sat 11-25-2000 13:03

Stomped has an interview with Don "Skritch" Gray and Andre "ZenAres" Pettet, authors of RTS Quake mod. The interview covers what each person contributes to the mod, and a lot about the mod itself. It's a pretty good read so get your boots on and stomp on over to see it here.

Two New Q3A Maps
by Awoq @ Sat 11-25-2000 12:47

The BackBurner staff has announced that there are two brand new Q3A maps for us to chew on.

Wexal has released his latest Quake 3 Fortress Map named Q3F_Power. The map is still in beta so he is looking for feedback! Check out his site here for more information.

Also, Hellfog has released his stunning new Quake 3 Arena map named Deadworld. Check it out here for more information and the download.

Robert Duffy Gives Some FPS Tips
by Awoq @ Fri 11-24-2000 14:28

Robert Duffy posted in the Quake3World forum a few suggestions on how to increase your frame rates in Team Arena.
Here is what he had to say:
Team Arena uses the same .exe as Q3A and should run Q3A maps at the same speed as always. Some of the new features, on by default may be eating a few FPS.

You might try the following for to get some FPS back:

1. Try the mini-hud, it is under Game Options. 2. Turn OFF in-game movies, this is also under Game Options. 3. The default quality option is set to highest which turns a lot of stuff on. Fiddle with your graphics options.

If you are seeing what appears to be significant drops, drop me a line via e-mail. I might like to work with a couple of folks to determine where the drops in FPS are coming.

Robert Duffy on Team Arena
by Awoq @ Fri 11-24-2000 14:15

id Software's Robert Duffy has updated his .plan with a lengthy explanation about the Team Arena and goes on to give us some news on the upcoming point release. Points covered in his .plan were, frame-rates, mod capabilities, the order system, and the point release.
Here is part of his update dealing with the frame-rates:
Team Arena frame-rate
Team Arena is using more visual effects than Q3A from a map, texture and shader perspective. We are looking at things to make sure that the hit on frame-rate is not too drastic. I've seen reports that frame-rate "feels pretty much just like Q3A" to "it was drastically slower". We will take a look and see where and when we are losing FPS.
You can check out the rest of the .plan here.

New UI Enhanced for Q3
by Awoq @ Fri 11-24-2000 10:48

A new beta version 0.97 of UI Enhanced for Q3 has been released. UI Enhanced for Q3 is a utility which replaces the Q3A user interface making it easier to set up for single play and lan parties.
Here's what is new in this version:
  • Improved model/skin chooser, and a model animation previewer.
  • An Unreal Tournament style bot command menu.
  • More ways to set up map and bot rotations:
    • Exclude a list maps from those randomly selected.
    • Create your own custom map types: pick a map rotation using just your custom type. RailArena, BigMaps and SmallMaps definitions already included.
    • Exclude a list of bots from those randomly selected.
  • Improved map picker. Select from Id only, or non-Id maps, as well as your own custom types.
  • Lots of other tweaks and improvements.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Team Arena Screenshots
by Awoq @ Thu 11-23-2000 14:13

The ShugaShack has posted an short article titled "Team Arena's Secret" and offers some never before seen screenshots of Team Arena and even includes Robert Duffy's stamp of authenticity.

Team Arena Demo Released!
by Awoq @ Thu 11-23-2000 14:16

As promised, the Team Arena demo has been released. The whopping stand alone demo weighing in at 127 megs can be downloaded at Blues, 3D Gamers, or at IGN.com. With a little luck, I should be able to get this demo on my 56k modem by the time the Turkey is ready.

Happy Thanksgiving USA!
by Awoq @ Thu 11-23-2000 00:12

Today in the US, is our traditional Thanksgiving holiday where we give thanks to our gods and stuff our faces beyond recognition with goodness from the oven. The staff at Q3Arena.com would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday.

Team Arena Strategy Guide
by Awoq @ Wed 11-22-2000 22:10

Even before the Team Arena demo has been released, PlanetQuake's HellChick has posted the first part of a strategy guide. Included in this part of the guide are two sections with information on The Heads Up Display and Map Strategies: Inner Sanctums

Team Arena Demo Tonight!
by Awoq @ Wed 11-22-2000 21:48

id Software's very own Todd Hollenshead updated his .plan with big news that the Team Arena Demo will be released on IGN.com sometime tonight for Windows platforms. Here is what he had to say:
Big news: An early Christmas present from id. The Team Arena Demo is going up tonight! We don't have an exact time yet, but I'm expecting it to be uploaded and go live in the next 3 hours or so (12 AM on the East Coast/ 9 PM on West). IGN.com is providing the initial bandwidth for us, so I'm guessing their servers are going to have a hangover tomorrow ;-) We'll have all the specific information available about exactly where to download over the next couple of hours.

This is the Windows version. We *expect* to release the Mac and Linux versions next week.

I have a few notes to share with everyone at this time. First, the Demo is stand alone. You don't need Quake III installed to try it out. The file size is around 120 meg (big, yes, but keep reading). We are including one level that plays all of the new game types (Harvester, Overload, One-Flag) and CTF. We are also including 2 models and 2 model heads. The map contains 3 of the 4 new powerups, one of the new weapons and one new holdable item. All of this is explained within the Demo, of course.

Also contained are all of the brand new UI items. On this, you'll just have to trust me that it's cool because I'd have to write a book to tell you about everything included. Mod authors will love what they're going to be able to do with it (I think Duffy is going to make an update about that over the weekend or early next week). You should definitely play around with this stuff and check out everything we've added. Menus, orders, team commands, setup options, etc. are all worth checking out because you'll want to save these in new config files for TA.

We realize 120 meg is a large download, so for those of you who have limited bandwidth, we are going to release an avi file at a later date (also through IGN) containing some of the new maps and features from Team Arena so that you can still check out what it will look like without overloading your modems. We'll have more details on this next week.

If you have problems, please check the readme first for answers. If you don't see the solution there, you can email feedback on bugs to bugs@idsoftware.com. Please don't email employees directly.

In the meantime enjoy the holiday weekend (if you're in the US) and have fun with Team Arena. I hope to see lots of people on our servers over the weekend.

Team Arena News
by Awoq @ Wed 11-22-2000 11:08

It appears that id Software CEO Todd Hollenshead has posted a couple of threads in the Quake3World Forum that has news of both Quake III: Team Arena and the supposedly final Q3A patch.
Here's what he said about Team Arena:
We're getting close now! on the Quake3World.com Forums

To being done with Team Arena that is. We should hopefully have a bunch of new info available real soon and even a demo (!). Just a little pre-Thanksgiving (US) FYI for everyone.
And on the patch:
Yes, the final Q3 patch (probably 1.26 or sequential) should follow soon after the demo. The final patch won't be this week, but hopefully soon thereafter.

Æstats 4.57
by Awoq @ Wed 11-22-2000 10:54

Another new version of Æstats, a log analyzer for many Quake engine games that outputs its information into HTML, has been released. The new version 4.57 has the following additions to it:
  • Added Tribes support
    15 weapons and 11 suicides are recognized.
  • Added QuakeWorld support.
    These are fraglogs of the sort: fraggerfragged
  • Updated Weapons Factory Arena support
    The MOD_FLAGTIMER suicide is now recognized.
  • AEstats.cfg and HTML main page will now show the server name and the server admin's email. Use: "set serverName" and "set serverEmail"

New Gods of War Mod
by Awoq @ Wed 11-22-2000 02:12

A new version of Gods of War for Q3A has been released bringing the mod to 1.7. Gods of War is a mana based mod where the player collects mana for strength and it can also be taken from him by his adversaries. It also has spells that can be cast to help you get to your objectives. The latest version is available as both a patch from version 1.6 and a full download and has the following things added:
  • Bots go for the mana (sometimes)
  • g_teamup variable: when set, it's like splitting the arena into two teams, gods and mortals,with team and self damage off.bots also attack gods. if there's no gods it's no different from normal
  • a few bug fixes here and there, sped up the code a little.

New GtkRadiant
by Awoq @ Tue 11-21-2000 17:29

The QERadiant site has news of a new release of GtkRadiant 1.1 which is said to be a stable and an official version rather than a beta replacement for the famous Q3A level editor QERadiant. Here is what they had to say about the release:
After a few weeks in beta testing and some more tweaks we are releasing GtkRadiant 1.1 If you haven't switched from Q3Radiant now is the time. We are already working on 1.2, which will probably take a while to complete. 1.1 will be our official and stable version for now. There's a big new thing though: two plugins are distributed in the setups (curry and pk3man). Any existing Q3Radiant plugin can be ported to GtkRadiant fairly easily. We were waiting to stabilize the core of the editor before starting to work on plugins.
More information and the downloads needed can be found on the QERadiant site.

Mod Tutorial
by Awoq @ Tue 11-21-2000 11:59

The BackBurner has finished a total site redesign (which doesn't work at all in Netscape) and also has a new mod tutorial for Q3A. The tutorial titled "How to make a small mod." by Rhinozombiac, is a basic overview of how to set up Microsoft Visual C++ for use with the Quake 3 Arena code.

Help Wanted @ WFA
by Awoq @ Tue 11-21-2000 10:16

The Weapons Factory Arena team sends word that they are in need of a modeller. Here is what they say about the position and how to apply:
WFA for Q3 is looking for a highly skilled, motivated Modeller to add to the team. Should be able to work independently, gathering requirements from mappers and coders to assist in further polishing and upgrading the look of some weapons.

We also require that the modeller applicants be able to do UV meshes.This position is available because our former dedicated artist/modeller now works professionally in the gaming industry as a result of his efforts in WFA.

Get your work seen! Be a part of the WFA team, send in a short list of your qualifications and arrange a meeting with our project leader: acrid-@captured.com

Name Maker Studio v6.1
by Awoq @ Mon 11-20-2000 18:17

RamPage Software has released a new version v6.1 of their Name Maker Studio program that lets you create those colored characters in Quake, Quake3: Arena and more. This new release fixes a problem which, in some instances, would create bad or lengthy names in the previous versions. More information can be found at the Name Maker Studio site.

Sin Thrives in Cyberland
by Awoq @ Mon 11-20-2000 11:43

The newly formed Sin Arena team has announced that work has begun on their new project. Sin Arena will be a total conversion for Quake III, which will add new levels, weapons and hoverbikes for intense deathmatch action resembling Ritual Entertainment's first person shooter SiN. News from the site states that Levelord himself is interested in contributing to the map pool. Check out the Sin Arena site for more info and a chance to cast your vote on wether you would be interested in it.

New Q3Offline
by Awoq @ Mon 11-20-2000 11:03

Another version of Q3Offline has hit the web. Version fixes a bad bug found in the program that caused invalid page faults in the last version. Check out ShellShock's Crater for more info.

Interview with Marcus "mexx" Dromowicz
by Awoq @ Sun 11-19-2000 15:25

Z-Axis has a 10 question interview with master map maker Marcus "mexx" Dromowicz. Marcus is famous for his "mexx" series in Quake and many other maps for Quake 3 Arena. The interview covers his map making experiences and how he goes about creating levels.

Gamebind Pro Released
by Awoq @ Sat 11-18-2000 13:49

Clandestyne Software has announced the release of GameBind Pro, an advanced game scripting editor with support for Quake 1,2,3, Half-Life, mods and more, Also announced is a new Online Game Commands Database on their website that has many thousands of scripting commands currently available in today's most popular games such as the Quake series, Half-Life, Star Trek Voyager:Elite Force and many others. Check out all of this goodness at the Clandestyne Software website.

New Æstats
by Awoq @ Fri 11-17-2000 11:14

A new version 4.54 of Æstats is now available. The latest version of the log file analyser for 3D Shooters with Stats/Ranking output in HTML, has the following features added since v4.51:
  • Weapons Factory for Quake II support... Slamming in at 64 weapon frags and 56 suicides.
  • Updated Weapons Factory Arena support... 4 new suicides: "MOD_FLASHGRENADE", "MOD_PROXIMITY", "MOD_SHRAPNEL", and "bad obituary"
  • Added Cold Ice (a Half-Life Mod) support... 16 weapons and 5 suicides are recognized.

New Urban Terror Screens
by Awoq @ Thu 11-16-2000 20:51

Crossfire has some exclusive screenshots from one of the new Urban Terror mod maps. The shots are of the map "ut_abbey" by Tub (the author of ut_village) and shows off some awesome architecture and other elements of the map. Check out the extremely good looking screenshots here.

Two Better Than One?
by Awoq @ Wed 11-15-2000 23:02

The leader and coder for the Wise in Death mod for Quake 3 Arena has released a small mod of his own called Akimbos. The mod enables two fisted weapons in Q3A that lets you come out blazing with two weapons. The 2 guns are fully independent, separately fired and separately switched and have full bot support. Find out more and get this intriguing mod at the Akimbos site today!

Interview with Q3F GBF
by Awoq @ Wed 11-15-2000 20:52

The fifth and final interview with a Q3F mod team member is up at Z-Axis. This time it is with GBH, the lead audio team leader. The 10 question interview covers some info about him, what can be expected with the upcoming beta 2 release, and how he gets the sounds for the mod.

New Requiem Release
by Awoq @ Wed 11-15-2000 11:09

Requiem 0.83 for Q3A has been released. This release fixes some minor bugs and adds some other adjustments. This new release still will only work with Q3A point release 1.17. but word is that they will be releasing 0.85 to support the Q3A 1.25 point release when the code becomes available. A complete list of things added to this release can be found here.

New SmashQ3 Mod
by Awoq @ Tue 11-14-2000 11:15

The first beta release of SmashQ3 is now available. SmashQ3 is a single player Quake3 modification very loosely based on the arcade game "SmashTV." The original arcade game put you, the player, into a game show where you were pitted up against a ton of bad guys. This beta includes 10 maps, 3 stompin' tunes, and a taste of all the features of the mod. You can find out more about this mod and see some screenshots of it at the SmashQ3 site.

Æstats Update
by Awoq @ Tue 11-14-2000 11:06

A new version 4.51 of Æstats, a log file analyser for nearly all 3D Shooters with Stats/Ranking output in HTML, is now available.
New in this release is:
  • Added Counter-Strike 1.0 Support with 3 new weapons:
    "FiveSeven", "Sg550", and "Ump45"
  • UT-Infestation & UT-Strike Force Support with 11 new weapons:
    "AT4", "Frag Grenade", "Glock21", "HK69", "M16", "M3S90 Shotgun", "M9 Pistol", "MP5", "PSG", "Parker Hale 85", "Robar"

Multiplay UK Lan Coverage
by Awoq @ Mon 11-13-2000 19:17

EuroGamer has posted a three page write up on last weekends 1000 player Multiplay i-series LAN party held at the Newbury Racecourse in Berkshire, UK. This well written article covers the trip to the party and most of the details of this obviously fun filled weekend proving once again that gamers in the UK can have a great time. Check it out here and see what you missed.

New GameSpy Arcade
by Awoq @ Mon 11-13-2000 18:48

The makers of GameSpy have finally released an offical version, 1.0 of their GameSpy Arcade after being in beta for a long time now. The program has support for over 160 peer-to-peer and dedicated server games (everything from Age of Empires II to Baldur's Gate II to Half-Life and Quake), instant messaging, chat, buddy tracking, integrated Web browsing and direct access to the Arcade community. Check it out on the GameSpy Arcade site.

New Modeling Tutorials
by Awoq @ Mon 11-13-2000 11:58

Polycount has posted a new tutorial for all of the creative Q3A modeling people out there titled "How to do it a Quake 3 model in 9 steps". Once you have created your new model, you can check out the new tutorial titled "How to make a sound pack for any Q3A model" to finish up your project.

by Awoq @ Mon 11-13-2000 11:51

Orange Smoothie Productions has released beta 0.99m of their Q3A OSP DM mod on the beta page. Since there are too many changes in this version of the server side only modification to list, you can read all about them here.

New Q3Offline
by Awoq @ Mon 11-13-2000 11:40

A new release of Q3Offline v00.11.12.00 is now available fixing a few minor bugs and giving better support for the new implementation of the Borganizer utility. The author has mentioned that due to a bug fix in the replay feature, you will not be able to use any data from older versions. You can get the latest version of Q3Offline here.

New SimpleStats 1.0a
by Awoq @ Sun 11-12-2000 13:40

RoGueWare Productions has released SimpleStats 1.0a to the gaming public.
Here is what the author, Jay Dolan, has to say about it:
Hi. This is Jay Dolan from QMass.net. I wrote this simple fraglogfile analyzer for QuakeWorld2.3+ last spring, and just touched up a few things on it this weekend and drew up some documentation for it. It's now publicly available at www.qmass.net/files/simplestats10a.zip (Win32 bins) and www.qmass.net/files/simplestats10a.tar.gz (Unix/Linux source). SimpleStats is written in C, and does just what its name says. I was tired of overly elaborate programs like QStats and FragStats, and wanted something small and easy that would just crank out the important numbers. It generates some concise, pertinent HTML, and runs great with up to 500 players per fraglogfile. It's the perfect solution for moderately trafficked FFA servers, and is absolute cake to setup and use (unlike most fraglogfile parsers). QMass.net is of course running it, and a sample can be seen at www.qmass.net/simplestats.

Free Email Account @Q3Arena.com
by Awoq @ Sun 11-12-2000 13:32

A slow news day gives us the opportunity to pimp our @Q3Arena.com web mail service. Anyone can now get an @Q3Arena.com email address and show your game allegiance. If you or someone you know is interested in getting a free @Q3Arena.com web mail address and a chance to win a Bose® Surround Sound Home Theater System, simply sign up here.

Skinning Tutorial
by Awoq @ Sat 11-11-2000 12:16

Skinning 101, a skinning tutorial site that was unknown to me until this morning when I was checking out Blues News for something to write about, has a new tutorial posted titled "Skinning a Head" which teaches you how to properly skin a head in Q3A. Check out this tutorial and many others at Skinning 101 today.

Interview with Kenneth Scott
by Awoq @ Fri 11-10-2000 12:25

id Software's top skinner and illustrator, Kenneth Scott has been interviewed at polycount as part of a kick off for a new skinning section they have started. Here is a snippet from the interview:
polycount: You, sir, must be the most copied skinner of them all, often without due credit to you. I seem to remember that 'Ronson' advertised their lighter as being the most 'stolen' lighter. To illustrate, they had a picture of a jewelbox with a missing lighter. The idea being that it was a recognition of quality that the thing got stolen. Incidentally, skins don't go missing when somebody steal 'em. Could we have your views on this?

Kenneth Scott: I am 'unofficially' comfortable with it, but considering my context I can afford to be. It's really a larger issue with non-pro's, people trying to get professional recognition have it hard enough without blurring the lines of ownership. There's certainly educational value in editing over someones work, but that process doesn't need an audience, and _doesn't_ need public exposure.

It's complicated and I don't believe anyone does it maliciously.

New .pak Utility
by Awoq @ Fri 11-10-2000 12:07

A new .pak utility for Q3A mod authors has been released called .pakMOVER.
Here is a description of the program:
.pakMOVER is a Windows based program that is totally free to download and use. All you need to do is select the pak files in your BaseQ3 that you want moved out of the way, and then click the transfer button. .pakMOVER will quickly move them into a special storage directory until you need to move them back again.

Custom Installation Website
by Awoq @ Fri 11-10-2000 11:50

Mike George, the guy we previously announced would make free custom Windows installations for Mod teams, has now posted a webpage to make it easier for mod teams to contact him. As before, anyone interested in having a free custom Windows installation setup for their mod should contact Mike.

Interview with Russellm from Q3F
by Awoq @ Fri 11-10-2000 11:28

Z-Axis has posted yet another interview with a Q3F team member and this time it was with Russellm, the Q3F quality assurance person. The interview discusses what a quality assurance guy's job tasks are, and how he goes about accomplishing them.

RTS Quake 1.1.1
by Awoq @ Fri 11-10-2000 11:16

A new release of the RTS Quake mod has been released bringing it to version 1.1.1 which addresses several bug fixes and minor gameplay tweaks.
Here's a description of the mod:
"RTS Quake is a mod that brings Real-Time Strategy to First Person Shooters. Try to destroy the opposing teams base while you unlock and upgrade your own classes and abilities such as the Ice Troll with freeze grenade, Wizard with teleport or Demon with super high jump through resource gathering, building construction and ability upgrades."
Be sure to also check out their new online manual for RTS Quake illustrating all of the classes, buildings, abilities, etc. on the RTS Quake site.

Chat with Fatality
by Awoq @ Fri 11-10-2000 00:32

Q3A@Stomped has an IRC chat log posted with one of Quake 3 Arena's best players, Fatality. From the sounds of it, an IRC chat with him might become a regular thing. Here is part of the press release they sent us:
We want to make everyone aware that we hope to be conducting these IRC chats weekly. The exception might be if fatal1ty` is away at an event or whatnot, but we'll keep you informed about that. It will most likely take place Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday evenings on a regular basis. We have not decided on what night to pick, but if you would be so inclined as to let us know what your preference is in the comments, please do.

Q3F Interview
by Awoq @ Thu 11-09-2000 12:58

Z-Axis has a 10 question interview with Fluffy_gIMP, the Q3F mod lead artist. The interview covers what Fluffy_gIMP uses for tools for his trade and gives us a little idea what the textures in their upcoming Beta 2 will be like.

WFA Map Review
by Awoq @ Wed 11-08-2000 10:36

Z-Axis has reviewed a new map made for Weapons Factory Arena. Element by =SLJ=BustaKills is a small and compact map which offers many sniper positions and should be a lot of fun. Check out the review, grab the download and see for yourself.

Interview With Paul Jaquays
by Awoq @ Tue 11-07-2000 13:08

Lanparty.com posted an interview with id Software's Paul Jaquays. The 9 question interview covers Paul's gaming business career, gives us a few tidbits about the upcoming Quake 3: Team Arena and has some tips for budding level designers.

New Kquery
by Awoq @ Mon 11-06-2000 19:30

A new version of Kquery was released bringing their online game finding program up to version 2.2.0 (build 300). The program supports Quake2, Quake3, Unreal Tournament, Half-Life and Counter Strike and can be run on just about all operating system plat.
New in this version is:
  • Game launching fixed (sometimes didn't work with Q2/Q3)
  • Querying your LAN will add the servers found to the master list ( a very cool feature indeed...)
  • Remote Console Command Automation removed. Took up too much space, and only one or two people used it. Soz guys , just don't upgrade :)
  • HostIP is now stored in array linked to the server details, so Kquery no longer gets confused if packets arrive out of order with other game server packets.
  • some other stuff too.

Coding Tutorials
by Awoq @ Mon 11-06-2000 10:43

The Mean Arena has created a new Q3A coding section and has two tutorials to get you started. Screen Coordinates & In Game HUD Images and Creating A New Main Menu Background should get the ball rolling for you beginning coders out there.

Q3F Interview
by Awoq @ Mon 11-06-2000 00:23

Z-Axis has posted a 10 question interview with Q3F mod Lead Coder RR2DO2. The interview is a fairly short one but will bring some light on what to expect in the next upcoming beta release.

New GoingUP
by Awoq @ Mon 11-06-2000 00:23

GoingUp, a Windows based program that hooks you up with many of the Mods and their respective resources, has released a new Build 130. This release is available as an upgrade of only 329 KB or you can get the full 2.23 MB version
New features in this release include:
  • Separated each game out into subsections to make browsing simpler.
  • Gave the Mod Description option a node of its own in the Explorer Bar, in case users didn't know to click on the mod's name for info.
  • Added an auto-updater program which will keep GoingUP up to date.
  • Made the status bar a bit more informative.
  • Removed Mr mod p/reviews, it will be back next time.
  • Fixed up some minor bugs.

New Bid For Power Screenshots
by Awoq @ Mon 11-06-2000 00:21

The Dragon Ball Z: Bid For Power website has 13 new screenshots of their Q3A deathmatch mod posted in the last couple of days. The shots are of their new HUD and show off some in game shots in their levels.

New Q3Offline
by Awoq @ Sun 11-05-2000 11:55

A new release of Q3Offline has been announced at ShellShocks Crater. This release,, adds support for Bob Frederick's Borganizer utility for automatically generating bots from all your models and skins. Q3Offline will run Borganizer and then import all the resulting bots.
Other additions to this release are:
  • New team options: added Auto join and Balance options to the Game page. You can now get Quake III Arena to auto join you to a team, and to balance the teams. Note: the teams are only balanced to within two players.
  • Fixed bug in Replay feature - now keeps separate list of played maps for all the game types.

True Combat Team Interview
by Awoq @ Sun 11-05-2000 11:22

Crossfire has interviewed the True Combat team with relation to their work on the True Combat mod for Q3A. The interview is packed with exclusive screenshots, and covers some of the aspects that make this mod. Here's a sample of what you will see:
cHeM1caLBr0thA: Are there any plans for adding Team driven type missions? As opposed to straight out Death match and Team play.

Coroner: Yes, there are some. Much depends on the number of people who want to contribute to the development of Q3TC. In Beta1, we will still be restricted to deathmatch or team deathmatch, except the fact that you buy your weapons prior to the match. I think we will not be able to put "last man standing" in and "sudden death (team)" in, during the next weeks. But there are some other ideas ...

Tier: Yes, against my personal likings, there will be a "last man standing/survivor" and "team survivor" mode. So many fans asked about it, that we just can't close our eyes. Don't know the exact version number, yet, but soon.. It would be nice to copy the feature of TFC, where the result of your team in one map defines the circumstances you start the next one in. But for this I have to refer to the first question: We simply don't have the man power yet to realize it, I suspect.

LakermaN Interview
by Awoq @ Sun 11-05-2000 11:08

XSReality.com has posted an interview with Oskar Ljungstrom aka. LakermaN, one of the top professional Quake3:Arena players in the world who recently took home $15,000 and the second place at the World Cyber Games Challenge in Seoul, Korea, losing in the final to Razer / CPL winner Johnathan "Fatality" Wendell. The interview is very well written and covers a lot of ground about LakermaN and is well worth reading.

Ente Interview
by Awoq @ Sat 11-04-2000 11:02

ParkLan has an interview with the man behind the PADMAN character and Q3A level designer Andreas "ENTE" Endres. The interview covers how the PADMAN character got started and gives us some interesting tidbits about what Ente does for a living and what criteria he uses when designing his "PAD-MAPS".

Eternal Arena Fix
by Awoq @ Fri 11-03-2000 21:27

A bug fix has been released for Eternal Arena. The patch (1604k) takes out the NoJump game option which has caused some players a lot of grief. Once the bug gets fixed, Corvin will re-add the option at a later date.

New Q3F Beta 1G
by Awoq @ Fri 11-03-2000 12:51

The Q3F team has announced that their mod has been revised to Beta 1G. The new version fixes all known issues that caused Mac, Windows and Linux users to be banned from servers, along with a number of other bugs (such as the spectator mode issues) and the problems reported by users with the latest version of q3f_forts. This update is available as a 2.4 MB patch and has an installer to make it easy. A complete list of new features can be found on the Q3F site.

New Eternal Arena
by Awoq @ Thu 11-02-2000 17:40

Version 3.1 of the Eternal Arena mod for Q3A has been released. New in this release is a Death Cam so you can see the culprit that nailed you instead of just staring at the floor and a host of other additions. Here is a list of all of the new fixes/features:
  • Greatest Vampires have red shader effect
  • Bots now understand who are vampires
  • Health does not initially count down if Vampire
  • bugfix floating bodies if killed in the air
  • DeathCam - higher viewpoint after death, so you can watch your own death scene, its better than staring at the floor.
  • Telefrag mod message on death
  • 3rd Person View toggle option
  • 3rd Person range and angle no longer cheats
  • Gore factor slider 0 = normal gibs & blood
  • Gore factor slider 1 = normal gibs but x2 blood
  • Gore factor slider 2 = x2 gibs & x2 blood
  • Team Coloured Trails for both rail & rocket option
  • Quad damage factor slider x2, x3 or x4
  • Different background soundtrack
    NEW pick n mix game options
  • Telefrag - teleport to their location and frag them
  • NoJump - now you'll have to stand and fight

Quake 3 Battle of the Sexes
by Awoq @ Wed 11-01-2000 11:45

Version 1.0 of the Quake 3 Battle of the Sexes mod is now available taking it out of beta and making it an official release.
Here's what the mod team has for a description:
Battle of the Sexes is a class based/team oriented/capture the flag mod for Quake III Arena. The blue team consists of females, the red team consists of males. Once you choose a team, you have 9 individual classes to chose from, each with their own role and abilities to help promote balance and teamwork. Each team has a flag and a capture pad. The objective of the game is to score as many points as possible to reach the score limit or have the higher score when the time limit is reached.

Interview With Q3F's Wils
by Awoq @ Wed 11-01-2000 11:36

Z-Axis has a 10 question interview with Q3F's lead level designer Wils. The interview covers some of his experiences designing maps for the Q3F team and gives us a little information on what to expect in the upcoming Beta 2.

New Weapons Factory Arena
by Awoq @ Wed 11-01-2000 10:47

The Weapons Factory Arena team has released version 2.1 fixing some server issues, revamping a map so it will work in Linux, and adding some other new features. You can get this new version as a 3.5 MB patch at the moment, a full install is planned later.
Here is a couple of download links.

Windows installer
Linux/Mac .Zip file

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