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The 10K Halloween Challenge deadline is for midnight tonight!
by DGhost @ [08:59 AM] October 31 2003

The 10K Halloween challenge from Bobo the Seal is almost done and contestant have up until midnight today for sending their submission on this contest. You would like to know what people have done so far? Check out this thread on the polycount forum. The quality of models is absolutly astonishing as I have never seen so many models that look so good in one shot!

The war on cheating
by DGhost @ [08:47 AM] October 31 2003

The website of GameForceOne got an excellent interview with Tony Ray of EvenBalance, creator of PunkBuster. If you are interrested a little bit in the history of PB and would like to know how the software is working, you might wanna read this article.

The Chaotic TDM tournament
by DGhost @ [01:07 PM] October 29 2003

The Chaotic on line TDM tournament will kick off next week (on november the 4th) and 4 slots for team registration are still open. Team Deathmatch at it's best, the Chaotic TDM tournament (CTT for short) is putting back new life in the OSP TDM scene with more than 32 teams already registered for this 4 vs 4 TDM tournament. Cached.net is already making some predictions on the tournament.

True Combat 1.1
by DGhost @ [02:21 PM] October 28 2003

New patch for the TC True Combat and this one doesn't fix any programming bugs or doesn't present any new features for the TC but at 63 megs this patch got 7 new maps from the community and will also help to improve the server situation. Included with the patch also is 4 new set of configuration files and take note also to not enable map voting if you are configuring a server of TC. Check out the website of True Combat for all the details!

Hit da maps @ ..::LVL
by DGhost @ [10:27 AM] October 27 2003

It's a new bunch of maps that got reviewed at ..::LVL. Some goods and some bads, you may wanna take a look @:
  • Space by Wiggles
  • Gravity Lab by Anton
  • Chartres by QkennyQ
  • Saint CTF 1 by Kaziganthe
  • noq3dm5 by noname
  • Hit ..::LVL for all your maps need!

    SPD a new SP map for Quake
    by DGhost @ [12:18 PM] October 24 2003

    Geee.. I've downloaded a new single player map for Quake 1 this week and I didn't even had the time to try it so far... So anyway I'll give you a small presentation of it. The map is made by Speed and he called the map, SPD which is a small SP map with a tech theme in it. Webpage of Speed is Here and you can get a screenshot of the map here.

    First update for Qockey
    by DGhost @ [11:40 PM] October 21 2003

    Since the release of the new mod last week of Qockey, devellopement is going well. A small patch making the mod version 1.01 has been released fixing a connection issue that network client had while trying to connect on a Qockey server. Also, for those of you who would like to try a map for the mod, a small tutorial has been posted with the technical details of creating a map for the mod.

    A guide to CPMA
    by DGhost @ [10:49 PM] October 20 2003

    Ever wanted to play deathmatch in a competitive flavor but never knew where to start? ESreality is presenting a small article with a tutorial on how to start playing CPMA. The second section about movement is pretty good.

    Maps for Quake 3 Fortress II
    by DGhost @ [10:43 PM] October 20 2003

    Leakspot is presenting us 2 new maps for the mod Fortress II for Quake 3 Arena. Check out:
  • The Epic Struggle from VilePickle
  • Aztec Zone from VilePickle
  • And for more maps of Quake 3 in all different flavours, visit the website of Leakspot!

    Real time lightning for DarkPlaces
    by DGhost @ [01:11 AM] October 19 2003

    MERC101/KGB|ROMI'S has finished working on all the SP maps of Quake 1 to bring support of the Real Time Lightning (RTL) system of the DarkPlaces engine for Quake. You only need to download 4 files (one for each episodes of Quake), place them under the \id1\maps\ directory and you are ready to go. Worth noting is that each file is 7kb only. It contains only the information of the Real time lightning for the maps of the single player episodes of Quake 1. Just finished playing episode 1 and it is trully much better on the Darkplaces engin with the real time lightning effect being added to the maps. Visit the webpage of MERC101/KGB|ROMI'S and get his files for a blast of Quake 1!

    Maya 3D PLE for free!
    by DGhost @ [12:42 PM] October 17 2003

    Well, this small tidbit may be usefull to mappers and modellers for Quake 3. Alias, the maker of the Maya 3D editor just made an announcement that they will now distributed a free version of Maya called Personnal learning Edition. Here's a copy/paste of the presentation of the new edition:
    Maya Personal Learning Edition is a special version of Maya® software, which provides free access to Maya for non-commercial use. It will give 3D graphics and animation students, industry professionals, and those interested in breaking into the world of computer graphics (CG) an opportunity to explore all aspects of the award winning Maya Complete™ software in a non-commercial capacity.
    Well, that's a good sign since we do not make any money from any Quake models/maps. It could be used for that.

    Qockey beta 1 coming soon!
    by DGhost @ [09:11 AM] October 16 2003

    After a mix of Quake 3 and footbal it's now the turn of hockey to be integrated in the Quake 3 engine with a new mod called: Qockey. Forget the frag and shoot the puck in the goal whil skating a the same time. This mod bring someting new, again, to the ever lasting Quake 3 engine. Read the about section for all the details and check out the screenshots section to get an idea of what it looks like. The first beta version will be out, tonight the 16 @ 19:00 PST.

    New levels @ ..::LVL
    by DGhost @ [10:39 AM] October 15 2003

    Today is that time of the year that I hit one more year. That's right, it's my birthday today. Yeah! Happy birthday to me! Okay, now that I've made that announcement, let's get on with Quake! ..LVL got some new maps reviews for us:
  • AEon's desert by AEon
  • Wysokie napięcie II by Shadow
  • Black town by XPax
  • Totens Gate by Storm{SmF}
  • AEon's neon light by AEon
  • Personnaly, I've taken a look at AEon's neon light and the visual is so fun. If you like the kind of design like Tron, you'll enjoy it

    Threewave is hiring
    by DGhost @ [02:20 PM] October 14 2003

    Threewave Software, the team behind my most favorite mod of all time, Threewave CTF is hiring. They are looking for a game programmer (with experience on C++ and GNU tools), level designer (with textures, 3D models and programming experience also) and a textures artist. You must be willing to be relocated in Vancouver, Canada. Check out the careers page for al the details.

    Promode update
    by DGhost @ [02:56 PM] October 13 2003

    I should warn you, I've got a new job (again) and this one is really much better than my last one (believe me, my last job was total crap compare to this one). I've got a little bit more free time for myself when working, so that will give me more time to see what's new in our small world of Quake. And first thing first, latest update from the Promode devellopers of CPMA. Their webpage was down these last days and it just came back online last friday. Of course they gave us an update of what is going on with CPMA. Work is still going on on CPMA version 1.2 (current version is 1.1) and arQon has also started devellopement on PM2 (for Promode2 or arQmode). Promode 2 is not the next version of CPMA but rather a new branch to test new ideas for CPMA. One of these ideas is... Lemme copy/paste that for you:
    I can tell you that one of the most significant ideas being discussed right now is a proposal to limit the "top speed" possible in PM2 (we're not talking about the official version of promode remember - PM2 is specifically designed for testing out new ideas).

    The goal is to remove the "supersonic speeds" without affecting the basic CPM gameplay - i.e. the game would remain fast and flowing as it is now but top speeds would effectively be limited (by an amount that is currently undecided).

    The motivation for this is that thanks to network / code improvements, computer spec improvements, and player technique improvements, the top player speed in CPM is now extremely fast and the team feels this is at times negatively impacting both how the games are played and the "size" of some of the maps.
    Yeah you got that right. PM2 will test any new ideas for CPMA and if these ideas really work they could then be implemented in the official version of CPMA.

    GtkRadiant version 1.3.12
    by DGhost @ [01:50 PM] October 13 2003

    Latest version of GtkRadiant was released yesterday and with now added support for Jedi Knight: Jedy Academy. Lots of bugs fixed also but the main difference now is that GtkRadiant is split into 2 files depending on the kind of games you wanna map for: One file for Quake 2/3, RtCW, Enemy Territory and HL/CS and another file for games created by Raven Software (Sof, EK, JD, etc). Linux version is coming soon and even a version for Mac OS X is in the work. Hit the download page for the latest version!

    Quake II evolved version 0.23
    by DGhost @ [06:18 PM] October 10 2003

    Quake 2 boosted on steroid? Yeah, that's what Quake II Evolved is! The engine redone with more visual effects, more explosions and more blood, what more do you want? The latest version, 0.23 is featuring:
  • EVERY VQ2, MP1, MP2 and CTF Effect re-made! - Every effect, from the blood when you kill a monster to the rockets fire trail as it flies past your head is re-made!
  • Official Mission pack 1/2 and CTF support! - Yeah, it wasn't enough that we remade every effect for these games! We even added all the HUD pictures you need! Menus for the mods will follow shortly.
  • Clipped decals - All decals in the game are clipped! (Rocket, BFG-10k and Railgun decals will be added for next release)
  • Enhanced Menu - The classic Q2E menu is back!
  • Improved mod Support - We have tried our best to keep Q2E as compatible as possible with the best mods. Any problems, post them in the forums!
  • Even Better Shader Support - Our Quake III Arena style shaders are back, and this time all the bugs are squashed and there's a few new additions too. (Read the Quake II Evolved Shader manual HERE)
  • Optimised Speed - The latest version, although effects heavy, is STILL nice and fast. Crank up those details baby ;)
  • Plus a LOT more!
  • Take out your dusty Quake 2 cd, install it, download Quake 2 Evolved and get ready!

    New patch for Urban Terror
    by DGhost @ [06:48 PM] October 10 2003

    New patch for the realistic TC, Urban Terror, making it to version 3.1. The update is 36 megs and you may wanna hit the download page to get it. Changelog is:
  • Offshore and Nimrod textures fixed.
  • Map issues that have been reported fixed.
  • TDM and FFA spawn bugs fixed.
  • FPS drop bug fixed.
  • Several matchmode issues fixed.
  • Swapteams and Shuffleteams fixed.
  • Bomb planting radius fixed.
  • Bomb no longer plantable in water.
  • Weapon tweaks. (This is going to be controversial. Many people think they are perfect, but the UMP and PSG were useless and the Negev was too uber)
  • Modifications/fixes done for GTV.
  • Excess server resource use issue fixed.
  • If you want all the details of this patch, you can read the readme.txt.

    New movies @ PlanetQuake3.net
    by DGhost @ [10:28 PM] October 08 2003

    As usual the website of PlanetQuake3.net is hosting some excellent new videos of Quake 3 Arena. Take a look @ WinterHaste 2 a CTF movie (warning, 550 megs for 29 minutes) based on the WinterHaste 2 tournament (which was hosted by Cached.net). Next one is TriCkED 2, "The sequel of the CPMA/VQ3 trick movie Tricked". Video of deathmatches on CPMA and VQ3. 250 megs. Enjoy!

    Seisomovision 2.24 beta
    by DGhost @ [10:16 PM] October 08 2003

    For those of you who like trying beta versions, the popular demo viewers, Seisomivision has hit version 2.24 beta. Here's the changelog:
  • fixed: Quake 2 demos not playing in play list mode due to overlong alias. (Thanx to MikeG)
  • - fixed: Rare random deletion of game application after demo play. (Experimental)
    Hit down the beta section of the Seisomovision's website for all the details!

    A photorealistic textures pack from BerneyBoy
    by DGhost @ [12:16 PM] October 04 2003

    The excellent mapper, BerneyBoy has released a new pack of photorealistic textures, more than 2000 .jpg so that you can use the pack in more than Quake 3 but for other engines also. All pictures are high resolution and features bricks, concrete, crate, doors, ground and many many more. At the same time you may wanna check this small memory card game!

    Navy Seals : Covert Operations 1.9
    by DGhost @ [11:43 AM] October 04 2003

    New version for Navy Seals : Covert Operation, making it to version 1.9. The mod is available for Windows, Mac and a .zip file for independent OS. Download page is here and even a BitTorrent link is available. For those of you who like realism FPS, I suggest you give NS a try, very well made!

    The 10K Halloween Challenge!
    by DGhost @ [11:51 PM] October 06 2003

    Bobo_the_seal is sponsoring a small challenge over the Polycount board for Halloween! Modellers must create a model based on the halloween theme (vampires, werewolf, mummies, etc.), no textures at this point and respect some others points. Check out this thread for the complete list of rules. Deadline is the 31 of October of course!

    Fortress Evolution Alpha
    by DGhost @ [03:24 PM] October 01 2003

    A new mod has made its debut, called Fortress Evolution for Quake 3, this mod intend to recreate the feeling of physics of Quake World and present a class based system for gameplay (check out the About section for all the details on the mod). Even if the mod is alpha, a league has been started for the mod, Fortress Strike League is already taking registration from clan to start a league of Fortress Evolution. Download page is here.

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